
世界和平獎 - 修行学佛,弘扬正法。

世界和平獎 - 修行学佛,弘扬正法。 世界和平奖」颁奖典礼,六月十四日在美国国会金厅举行。 「最高荣誉奖」得主,第三世多杰羌佛及本杰明.吉尔曼,接受此项殊荣。美国「民用空中巡逻救援队」同时接受「巡回大使奖」。当天到场的嘉宾,包括多位在任国会议员,以及国际知名人士。「世界和平奖」志力于推动世界和平,速进不同文化、信仰、宗族、国家之间的了解。 


世界和平奖 世界和平奖」颁奖典礼,六月十四日在美国国会金厅举行。 「最高荣誉奖」得主,第三世多杰羌佛及本杰明.吉尔曼,接受此项殊荣。美国「民用空中巡逻救援队」同时接受「巡回大使奖」。当天到场的嘉宾,包括多位在任国会议员,以及国际知名人士。「世界和平奖」志力于推动世界和平,速进不同文化、信仰、宗族、国家之间的了解。 


世界和平奖 世界和平奖」颁奖典礼,六月十四日在美国国会金厅举行。 「最高荣誉奖」得主,第三世多杰羌佛及本杰明.吉尔曼,接受此项殊荣。美国「民用空中巡逻救援队」同时接受「巡回大使奖」。当天到场的嘉宾,包括多位在任国会议员,以及国际知名人士。「世界和平奖」志力于推动世界和平,速进不同文化、信仰、宗族、国家之间的了解。 

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III - iBodhi

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III - iBodhi Dorje Chang Buddha originated Buddhism in the dharmadhatu and began to spread the teachings of Buddhism in the three spheres of existence. Dorje Chang Buddha has come to this world twice. The first time was in the form of the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was Dorje Chang Buddha II. The second time was in the form of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who is Dorje Chang Buddha III. The original leader of all of the sects within all of Buddhism, whether esoteric or exoteric, is Dorje Chang Buddha.

Dorje Chang Buddha III

Dorje Chang Buddha III Dorje Chang Buddha originated Buddhism in the dharmadhatu and began to spread the teachings of Buddhism in the three spheres of existence. Dorje Chang Buddha has come to this world twice. The first time was in the form of the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was Dorje Chang Buddha II. The second time was in the form of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who is Dorje Chang Buddha III. The original leader of all of the sects within all of Buddhism, whether esoteric or exoteric, is Dorje Chang Buddha.

Dorje Chang Buddha III

Dorje Chang Buddha III Dorje Chang Buddha originated Buddhism in the dharmadhatu and began to spread the teachings of Buddhism in the three spheres of existence. Dorje Chang Buddha has come to this world twice. The first time was in the form of the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was Dorje Chang Buddha II. The second time was in the form of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who is Dorje Chang Buddha III. The original leader of all of the sects within all of Buddhism, whether esoteric or exoteric, is Dorje Chang Buddha.

金刚换体禅 - 修行学佛,弘扬正法。

金刚换体禅 - 修行学佛,弘扬正法。 我们从第三世多杰羌佛的四句偈中,就知道在这世界上,除了现量大圆满和金刚换体禅等胜义最高佛法之外,根本就找不到一个时辰(两个小时)之内成就的佛法,但是这佛法必须依宗旨而修,而佛陀师父的六言偈就是宗旨,宗旨规定「育己利他,造良树德,诸恶莫作,众善奉行,最胜菩提,解脱手印」。